Our Hiring Process: What to Expect

From submitting your resume to accepting an offer, here is what you should know when applying to our teams.

Finding the right opportunity

Open positions for all our companies can be found on our website. You should consider your skills and experience when exploring our open positions. If the right role isn't listed, don't fret... we are always looking for exceptional talent! You can submit your resume here and tell us about what you are looking for.

Crafting your resume

Before submitting your resume, consider the tips below to make sure that yours stands out:

  • Utilize the job description, requirements, and relevant skills to tell us about how your experience connects to what we are looking for.
  • Focus on the outcomes and results of any projects you have been a part of.
  • Make sure to include specific details about your experience. How many people did you manage? What technology did your team work with?
  • Keep it brief and impactful. No need for a 3-4 page resume, focus on the major accomplishments.

Submitting your resume and assessment

After you submit your resume, you will be asked to take a 5-10 minute Culture Index assessment. Our HR manager will not review your application until you have completed this assessment, so please make sure to do immediately. The Culture Index helps us understand your motivators and how it may apply to your work-related needs. It also assists us in better employee management and development. The Culture Index is part of a larger EOS management program that our team utilizes to make sure that we employee and support the right talent to grow our companies.

First and foremost, please be informed that Culture Index is:

  • A survey, not a test. There is no passing or failing.
  • There is no such thing as a perfect result.
  • We only measure work related behaviors.
  • We do not measure intelligence.
  • We do not measure a person's learning curve.
  • We cannot determine race, gender or religion.
  • We cannot determine your age.
  • We cannot determine your ambition.
  • We do not measure anything abnormal or clinical.

Reviewing your application

Once you have submitted both your resume and taken the Culture Index assessment, our hiring manager will review your application. Typically, we contact the qualified candidates to schedule an interview within 2 to 4 weeks. Please be sure to check your inbox to make sure that our emails are not being sent to your spam folder.

The interview process

Our team will coordinate interviews ahead of time to make you aware of any specific details. We encourage you to ask questions during the interview process to learn more about the role, our team, and our culture.

  • Preliminary Interview: Our HR manager will schedule a quick preliminary interview via phone or video call to learn more about your qualifications and gage your interest.
  • On-Site Interviews: When asked back for the next round of interviews, you will typically meet with the hiring manager on-site to assess your technical knowledge related to the role. Be ready to share about your past-experience along with how you approach and solve problems.
  • Team and Leadership Interviews: We might schedule team interviews to understand how you collaborate with other departments and disciplines. We will typically also have you meet with some of our leadership team members during the final interviews.

The offer

Typically, qualified candidates will meet with multiple interviewers and managers who will review your resume, Culture Index assessment, and discuss recommendations. The hiring manager will send a formal offer letter to selected candidates via email. The timing of offers and next steps will be discussed at that time.

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